Health & Safety at Renold Malaysia
As a core objective Renold remains committed to providing a safe workplace for all its employees and those affected by its activities. No activity is so critical or urgent that it may be done in an unsafe and uncontrolled manner. Safety at Renold is paramount.
Governance structures are clearly defined. These include a Group Health and Safety policy which is reviewed annually. Cascading from this is the Group Health and Safety Management Framework (the 'Framework') which defines the Board’s expectations regarding health and safety control and performance. Management across all material locations are required to adhere to the Framework.
The Framework is not a set of rules and regulations to be applied mechanically across the Group. It contains principles and expectations describing a set of outcomes. It provides a structure to manage health and safety, encompassing continual monitoring and periodic review. The Framework is consistent with internationally recognised standards, including OHSAS 18001.
The Framework consists of eight core components, which include setting a supportive leadership tone, with sub processes, covering for example, hazard assessment, incident management and the management of third parties. The internationally adopted model of Plan-Do-Measure-Learn cycle is a key aspect of the Framework.
The web based Integrated Risk Management System provides aligned processes and data mining functionality. This allows sites to manage accident reporting, opportunities for improvement, hazard assessment and all action tracking. Performance data for the Board and to support site reviews is derived from the system.
The hazard assessment reporting feature provides both a consistent and transparent view of the ongoing health and safety risks at both site and Group level. The online hazard assessment module, launched last year, supports our drive to deliver improvements to our health and safety risk management processes.
An independent programme of audits is in place, which requires all material sites to be audited within a twelve month period. This assesses compliance and performance against the Framework. The assurance results along with other typical KPIs are reported each month to the Group Board and reviewed under a standing agenda item.